We are a nationwide network focused on removing barriers and increasing support for students with experience in foster care pursuing higher education. We focus on sharing learning and promoting best practices in policy and programming to improve the field of foster care and higher education.
College persistence increases for students with experience in care (via CALYouth Study)
Lower percentages of students with experience in foster care obtain academic achievement and higher percentages face homelessness and poverty (via CALYouth study Chaplin Hall, page 145)
After age 18, research shows an increase in academic attainment of about 4% for students with experience in foster care (via CALYouth Study, page 16)
Historically, young adults who age out of care enroll in college at a rate of 25% compared to that of 41% of the general population (via Foster Club)
Creating pathways & removing barriers to higher education for students with experience in foster care
© 2021 Fostering Academic Achievement Nationwide
This website is a project of John Burton Advocates for Youth with funding from Annie E. Casey Foundation, Stuart Foundation, and Walter S. Johnson Foundation